Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 49:

Morning all! Happy Monday! Looking forward to making up some weight this week since I was 2lbs short last week. I'm going to try to do my workout and walk each day, hope I can do it! Yesterday was fun. We took Duke to the park to walk. He got so excited! He jogged with us even! But he pooped out at about 3/4 mile, so we took him home and went back out to another park to walk some more. All together we did about 1 1/2 miles. It was nice but pretty chilly! Stayed on point for my diet pretty good. I am back to 2 shakes a day and it's getting easier to control the hunger and cravings. I know each day it will get easier.
This last weekend we did a lot of talking about when we make our goal and what we're going to be able to do that we aren't now. We made plans and dreams, it was so fun! And I know we're going to make it!

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