Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 44:

Good morning! Blah! I am so tired today. I know I need to get motivated and I can't seem to pull it together today. But it's still early. I am going to drink my Slimfast 321 Rich Chocolate Royale shake and try to get some energy going. Last night I ate some of my Dad's homemade chicken and noodle's. It's a rich and creamy casserole type dinner with cream of chicken soup, thick egg noodles and some chicken. Very good, and surprisingly around 500 calories for a 1 1/2 cup portion. I was surprised, I assumed that because it was so rich and creamy it would be off the charts. Slimfast will even let you have a 500 calorie meal with the plan. So not too bad! I'm afraid, though that it will open doors for me that I don't won't opened yet. I don't think I'm ready to eat regular food and trust myself to use good judgement on portion control. I think I need to stick with healthier choices for a bit longer.

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