Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 46:

Morning! Had such a wonderful day yesterday. The weather was perfect for a long walk. Duke and I took off for the park, only to get lost :(   oh well, he'd had enough. Half way back home, he stopped and laid down in the middle of someone's driveway. So funny! But we made it back home. It was the first time I remember feeling like I could walk around all day! I usually get tired pretty quick. But since we started dieting and exercising, I feel great!! It was so nice! So of course that opens up all new areas of fun for this summer! Things we usually were too out of shape to enjoy doing, we can now do with ease! So awesome!
Tried a new recipe out I found online. It is a crockpot recipe with chicken breasts. You put a jar of picante sauce in with about a half jar of bbq sauce, about 4 cups of water and spices. Let it cook on high for 6 hours. So good and juicy! I added some corn starch at the end to thicken it up to make a gravy sauce for the chicken. It was good! Don even liked it! Made fried potatoes and corn to go along with it. Potatoes fried in olive oil and a little light margarine. Portioned out right and it was under 500 calories for the whole meal!
Hope the weather stays nice today for another glorious walk!

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