Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 45:

zzzzzz...... again, so tired today :(   I think I may be coming down with a cold. Or I'm just exhausted from my double workout yesterday. I have been trying to do at least 4 days a week of EA Sports training program. It's awesome. You can use the trainer's program or make your own. They have a ton of exercises for each area of your body, cardio and core. Anyway, I try to do at least 30 minutes a day and burn up to 300 calories a workout. So far, I love it! I personally do a lot of boxing, step aerobics, curls and crunches. Well, yesterday I did my 30 minutes and worked up quite a sweat, which we know is good. Then Duke, my dog, decided he wanted to go for a walk. Well, another 30 minutes later, I was back and exhausted!  So needless to say, I could be tired today because of that or it could be the 6 am potty time for Duke this morning :(  oh well.

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