Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 63:

Sorry missed ya! I've been kind of burned out on my fitness pal and eating right for about a week now. I've also paid for it! I gained 4 pounds back! eek! But yesterday I walked the high school track with my hubby - did about a mile, but a really fast pace. As of this morning I lost the 4 I gained plus another 2 pounds! I'm still about 3 pounds behind my goal, but I'm sure glad to have lost those 6!  Today, I've stayed on target for my diet and calorie counts (so far). And I've done my 30 min EA Active 2 workout already. I plan to take my dog on a walk today, and maybe another track walk with hubby tonight. So wish me luck. I've got plans to go out of town to see old friends on the July 4th holiday, and I'd love to look like I've been working my butt off... literally!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 53:

Sorry I missed you guys yesterday, wasn't in a very bloggy mood. Yesterday was ok. Didn't really have a good diet day. I was ravenous all day, so I ate all day. Now keep in mind that we have only healthy type foods in the house, so I didn't do too bad. Just didn't do too good either. I did my 30 minute AE Active 2 workout - burned 320 calories, did a 30 minute walk with Duke, burned another 150 calories at least. Tried out my new jogging shoes also. I got about 2 houses down the block then I was done jogging. But you know, baby steps. I'ved got to start "training" for a 5k we're going to do in August. We're so excited! I know that we can do it, just gotta get my hiney in gear!
Thoughts and prayers with the Japanese and our fellow citizens in Hawaii and the West coast as they are dealing with this great natural disaster.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 51:

Well, boys and girls, yesterday was a great day! I thought I was going to go over my calories, ended up being just under 1200! Thought I couldn't have cupcakes, found sweet n low makes a cake and frosting mix I can have! BTW, they were so good! Thought I was too lazy or tired to exercise, ended up doing my EA Active 2 for 30 mins and burned 301 calories! Thought it was going to be another bad day for hubby at work, he had an interview and got the job! Great opportunity for him and us! So yeah, great day! Here's hoping that today and everyday is as good or better!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 50:

All I have to say is YAAAAAYYYY!!!!! I made 20 pounds lost so far! It was my first goal in my goal plan. My doc said if I can lose just 20 pounds it would raise my chances of getting pregnant. So just more encouragement to keep on it and lose more.
Well, it's raining today, so probably no walk today :(   It was so cold yesterday but we still walked and it was great.  So, I'll be doing EA Active 2 - which I love, it'll be good!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 49:

Morning all! Happy Monday! Looking forward to making up some weight this week since I was 2lbs short last week. I'm going to try to do my workout and walk each day, hope I can do it! Yesterday was fun. We took Duke to the park to walk. He got so excited! He jogged with us even! But he pooped out at about 3/4 mile, so we took him home and went back out to another park to walk some more. All together we did about 1 1/2 miles. It was nice but pretty chilly! Stayed on point for my diet pretty good. I am back to 2 shakes a day and it's getting easier to control the hunger and cravings. I know each day it will get easier.
This last weekend we did a lot of talking about when we make our goal and what we're going to be able to do that we aren't now. We made plans and dreams, it was so fun! And I know we're going to make it!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 48:

I'm... So... Hungry!  Or it feels like it. Having to go back to 2 slimfast shakes a day and only 1 real meal sucks! It makes me want to eat everything all the time. I hope it works though. Did my EA sports workout yesterday, but no walk. Just got too cold again. Loved the workout though. I need to do something active today, but not sure about doing the EA sports. May take the hubby for a long walk later. Maybe not. He's been fighting a cold. Love the way our bodies are now fighting illness now that we've been eating healthy and exercising. Something that would totally knock us off our feet is only a minor annoyance now. Nice change!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 47:

Well, folks, today was weigh-in day. Bad news, only lost 1 pound this week. Not good. My goal is 3 pounds a week to make my ultimate goal by the end of the year. So that means I am now 2 pounds behind. Which has happened another time and I was able to make it up. I just hope I can make this up too. I know why too. This week was not a very good week. It started with my twin sister in the hospital with unexplained seizures. So between stress and not being able to eat as healthily or exercise as much for those 2 days, think it set me up to fail this week. Since she got out of the hospital the stress has carried over and I've been slacking. I've been trying to stay under my calorie counts, but not easy. Also, I weaned myself down to 1 slimfast shake meal replacement a day, instead of what I'd been doing which was 2 a day. But still under calorie max, so not sure why I wouldn't still lose my goal. Oh well, I'll try harder next week and go back to 2 shakes a day and less actual food :(