Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 47:

Well, folks, today was weigh-in day. Bad news, only lost 1 pound this week. Not good. My goal is 3 pounds a week to make my ultimate goal by the end of the year. So that means I am now 2 pounds behind. Which has happened another time and I was able to make it up. I just hope I can make this up too. I know why too. This week was not a very good week. It started with my twin sister in the hospital with unexplained seizures. So between stress and not being able to eat as healthily or exercise as much for those 2 days, think it set me up to fail this week. Since she got out of the hospital the stress has carried over and I've been slacking. I've been trying to stay under my calorie counts, but not easy. Also, I weaned myself down to 1 slimfast shake meal replacement a day, instead of what I'd been doing which was 2 a day. But still under calorie max, so not sure why I wouldn't still lose my goal. Oh well, I'll try harder next week and go back to 2 shakes a day and less actual food :(

1 comment:

  1. make sure you aren't starving yourself...that will make your body hold on to dear life to the fat...try to figure out how many calories you should be eating by googling "how many calories should i eat to lost weight calculator" Also, make sure your workouts are a good mix of strength, cardio, abs and stretching. Its called circuit training

    I am going through this same thing and these are some tips people have given me. Hope this helps :)
