Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 50:

All I have to say is YAAAAAYYYY!!!!! I made 20 pounds lost so far! It was my first goal in my goal plan. My doc said if I can lose just 20 pounds it would raise my chances of getting pregnant. So just more encouragement to keep on it and lose more.
Well, it's raining today, so probably no walk today :(   It was so cold yesterday but we still walked and it was great.  So, I'll be doing EA Active 2 - which I love, it'll be good!

1 comment:

  1. You should think about getting a Wii with either the workout package, or the sports package, if you can afford another game system (assuming you're not already using it). The first time I did the sports, especially tennis and boxing, my arms hurt for days because I did it for several hours and didn't realize how hard I was actually working out. The sweat should have been a clue, of course. But it was fun too. Options are a good thing.
