Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 43:

I titled this Day 43: because although this is my first blog entry, this is actually day 43 of my journey for a healthy lifestyle.  I decided to get healthy and lose weight because I want to have a baby as well as live a long active life with the love of my life. I finally realized that I won't ever have a chance to have kids or be happy if I don't get healthy first. So with the support of my husband by my side, I started 43 days ago on a quest to lose weight. I did only the Slimfast diet plan for about 2 weeks, with no weight loss. I was discouraged, but soon realized that it was not for me. I realized that my body needed more calories to be able to lose weight, believe it or not, I was starving my body and it wouldn't let any fat go. So, I adjusted the slimfast diet to fit my dietary needs, adding in more but healthy snacks throughout the day to keep my calories where they need to be and also to fight hunger.
I am going to try to use this blog as a tracker for my journey to a new healthier me. I'll be writing about any struggles I am having, as well as goals I have met. I'll be sharing inspirations that help me get through each day.


  1. Hooray for you Misty! :O)
    Cheering you along (and working toward the same goal myself!)

  2. You are awesome and can do this!! I'm here if you need anything :)

  3. Good for you, Misty. Keep your eyes on the prize, and you'll succeed!
